April 29, 2010, New York - Forum Gallery presents Sean Henry, an exhbition of new figurative sculptures from British artist Sean Henry. Inspired by friends and the people he encounters on the streets of London, Henry's sculptures delve into the myseteries of daily life. Working from life, photographs and his own drawings, Henry creates each sculpture in clay before it is cast in bronze and individually painted by the artist.
Papillon and John (Standing) are included in the exhibition, as is the scale model of the artist's work Folly - a large open-sided pavilion - developed between 2007 and 2009 for the sculpture garden of a new museum in The Netherlands. Henry's Folly invites the viewer to enter a threshold zone uncertainly poised between a private bedroom and a public foyer. A man lies sleeping in bed while his alter ego stands nearby; a transparent wheel-back chair floats mid-air; a stained glass window evokes a distant seascape. Entering this strange, dream-like space could be as disorientating as accidentally straying onto a stage during a play. What is this splace? Who are these people and what, if any, is the connection between them? What role is the veiwer expected to play in this still, silent drama?
Forum Gallery presented Sean Henry's first U.S. exhibition in 2002, and has shown his work in group and solo shows ever since.